Quick Start

Get started with Flyyta and build your website in a few minutes.

Step 1 - Step 1 - Create Flyyta project

flyyta create

This project will be built according to your choice of tempplate and other configurations that will be asked by the CLI .

This will create the project directory and populate it with the initial files & configurations from the Flyyta starter template repository.

Step 2 - Voilà 🎊

flyyta start

Once the project has been created you can move to that directory and run the start command to spin up the local development server

Step 3 - Write your heart out

One of the best feature of flyyta is that you can put dynamic data into HTML and the layouts which is not possible in regular HTML.

The dynamic data and its value has to be mentioned in the config.json file in the root and the key name can be mentioned in the files with a {} around it (eg. {siteName}) and the value will be dynamically picked and rendered in the final file served to the user.

The config.json file is one of the most important file and is required for the working of the Flyyta App.

One can write your blogs using Markdown and put the files inside the content directory.

There's also a layout direactory where you can put layouts for list/single blog and that will be rendered dynamically to HTML and served.

And any static assets you want to bundle with your application, you want put them in the public/assets directory. These assets can be directly referened from your markdown/HTML pages.

Step 4 - Build for deployment


If you're done writing your documentation and now you want to deploy it to your preferred service, build your Flyyta application using the following command:

flyyta build

This will create a minified bundle of static files that can be directly deployed to the service of your choice.

As mentioned this command is still under development and will be rolled out soon !
